Friday, November 30, 2007

Windows shares and NTFS file permissions, show/create/modify

Recently I had to make an share analysis of about 50 servers, mixed Windows 2000 and 2003. The shares was to be recreated on a new set of servers, including a change for some to Windows cluster server shares.

There turned out to be at least several possibilities:

I went down the VBS script path, and it worked out fine, created a bunch of command oneliners I could use on the new servers or on the new clusters, eg:

cluster . res "share" /priv security="domain\group",grant,F:security
cluster . res "share" /priv security="domain\user",grant,R:security
net share="d:\path\to\share" /GRANT:"domain\user1",READ /GRANT:"domain\user2",FULL

The net share command creates the share, but on the cluster share was created with a wrapper script was made from a Microsoft example, only changing ShareSubDirs=0. Then the above cluster command works fine.

The problem with the script method was that if there was no ACL for a share, my script did not list the share. And i didnt make the script query remote servers, so i used a little psexec workaround in the scripts:
copy listshares.vbs \\server\d$\
psexec \\server -e cmd /C "cscript d:\listshares.vbs"
psexec \\server -e cmd /C del d:\listshares.vbs

Anyway, in the future I recommend using RMTSHARE.EXE which works fine on 2000/2003/xp, can query shares remote, modify permissions, create and all I need. Some examples:

List shares: RMTSHARE \\server
List permissions of a share: RMTSHARE \\server\share /users
Add a user to a share remote: RMTSHARE \\server\share /grant "domain\user":F
Revoke a user permissions: RMTSHARE \\server\share /grant "domain\user"

By the way, note that "net share" command is different on Windows 2003 and on XP. There are permissions options on the Windows 2003 version:
The syntax of this command is:

sharename=drive:path [/GRANT:user,[READ CHANGE FULL]]
[/CACHE:Manual Documents Programs None ]
sharename [/USERS:number /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual Documents Programs None]
{sharename devicename drive:path} /DELETE

There is no permission option on the XP version:
net share /?
The syntax of this command is:

NET SHARE sharename
sharename=drive:path [/USERS:number /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual Automatic No ]
sharename [/USERS:number /UNLIMITED]
[/CACHE:Manual Automatic No ]
{sharename devicename drive:path} /DELETE

For NTFS file permissions setting, remove and modify, I use XCACLS.VBS, which can do all we need. It also works on the clusters. Some examples:

Listing access, if you want subdirs add /s /t:
cscript c:\bin\XCACLS.vbs d:\dat\ /server server

Give access, with /e so other users are left as they were:
cscript c:\bin\XCACLS.vbs d:\dat\ /e /g "domain\user":F /server server

Revoke (/r) example, remote: !!! WARNING !!! remember the /e or every permission will be gone:
cscript c:\bin\XCACLS.vbs d:\dat\ /e /r "domain\user" /server server

My only problem with XCACLS.VBS so far, is that it it truncates output of the users, so its hard to wrap into a script for recreation. Eg, it shows only "Domain\Some_domain_gruo" below and not the full groupname:

"Allowed Domain\Some_domain_gruo Modify..."

Ideas for solving this are very welcome :-)


daspeac said...
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Jr. Williams said...

report ntfs permissions