Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Open source alternatives, for MS Project

I dont think I mentioned osalt.com open source alternatives here before, and today i used it again :-)

It is a great website for your business collegues or management who might not be so familiar with open source and the alternatives available. Please check the osalt sections, and send suggestions to them!

Osalt.com gives you a great overview of commercial software and the alternatives, and even include a list supported operating systems.

Osalt.com does not have everything, as not all great software is open source. My favorite freeware editor pspad is one example, and can not be found on the osalt ultraedit alternative list.

Recently we needed alternatives to MS Project, or at least a .mpp viewer, as the license costs for MS Project is insane. The export to webpage wizard is just not my friend, so a viewer for my collegues is needed!

I would have used openproj, as that works on Mac and Unix and I really just need a viewer, but it requires JRE > 1.5 which I dont have here at work. Besides it was a beta, and if you really need to work with project management, go for Ganttproject which also is available for Mac.

OpenWorkbench which only needs 1.3.1 or later of Sun's Java Runtime Engine, but beware there has not been a release since december 2005.

If you can live with a shareware MS Project viewer, you might checkout Projette. I dont know it will nag or stop working after some days, so far there has been no problems.

1 comment:

Alex said...

mpp recovery works with crashed and deleted ms project files after hdd failures, malicious software, system errors. The program owns modern, intuituve interface for any experienced user. It starts under low system requirements.